
How can you heal pain from the past, from something unchangeable? This pain is often called trauma. In philosophy, trauma is an event labeled as something you refuse to learn from. To heal, you must revisit the situation and acknowledge both the pain and the lessons it brought you. By recognizing the value of these lessons, you can find closure and accept that they were essential in shaping who you are today.

If you fail to learn from past events, the pain remains uncompensated and will always feel unfair. This unresolved pain keeps you tethered to the past. Therefore, it’s crucial to come to terms with your past and see that, while life demanded a lot from you, it also gave you valuable teachings. The lessons you gained make the price worth it.

You are who you are because of the pain you’ve endured. Without these experiences, you wouldn’t be the person you are today. Settling accounts with your past allows you to move forward without lingering regrets.

Avoid seeing yourself as a victim. Nothing happens to us that isn’t a part of the human experience. We are here to grow, and growth often comes through difficult situations. These challenges shape us, correcting our flaws and sharpening our character. If one person or event hadn’t taught you this, another would have.

By understanding this, you can depersonalize the situation. It’s not about what someone did to you; it’s about the growth you needed. Life gives you the experiences necessary for your development. No one is out to get you; this is simply how life works. Life presents you with what you need to grow.